Electric Chassis of Vacuum Circuit Breaker DETAILS listed as belows:
Material: Steel with zinc plating
Suitable with 800mm & 1000mm indoor switchgear
Certification: ISO9001: 2000
We add motor-driven mechanism from original chassis, which maintain the characters of the original chassis and achieves the motor-drive operation of working position and test position. Motor-drive and manual operation do not need to be switched.
Operating Principle of Controller
When the control signalis valid,the chassis is allowed for the working position and test position.
When S8and S9 are in operation,enter INor OUT。the controllerwillstillexecute theoriginal operation.
When S8and S9 are inoperation,press RESETbuttonor the controlsignalis invalid,the controller will stop.
The electric mechanism hasa delay of2.6S after in position,and thenareverse rotation for 10mS.
When ordering.please keep 2 On contact of the auxiliary switch for wiring.